Horizon29 – the journey so far …
We are thrilled to share the journey and transformation, so far, at Horizon 29. In 2012, St Francis Group and ALMCOR formed a new joint venture and took the bold step of acquiring Horizon 29, a former Coalite manufacturing [...]
Urban8 Insight #2
#Urban8Insights, in the second of our series on the delivery of Urban8 Logistics Park we are profiling Canmoor. Canmoor is a private commercial property business offering services across asset management, development and project management. The business has worked across [...]
Urban8 Insights
#Urban8Insights, in the first of our series on the delivery of Urban8 Logistics Park we are profiling @Tristan Capital Partners. Tristan Capital Partners is a real estate investment management company, responsible for managing £13bn of assets across Europe. Urban8 Logistics [...]
Great progress at the Logistics Park in Kings Norton
Our construction partner GMI Construction Group continues to make great progress at the #Urban8 Logistics Park in Kings Norton. We are working with Tristan Capital Partners and Canmoor to deliver 8 Grade A mid-box units which boast BREEAM Excellent, [...]
Work Begins at Urban 8 – Kings Norton
We are delighted to announce that work has started on Urban 8, a new Industrial and Logistics site in Kings Norton. SFG are providing Development Management services for Tristan Capital Partners and Canmoor on the site secured through our longstanding [...]
Core 62 update at Eggborough Power Station
St Francis Group can confirm a significant Infrastructure project has commenced at Core 62 to enable development at Eggborough Power Station Works commenced in May 2023 and are expected to be complete by July 2024 - key features of [...]